What should you expect?

The first visit focuses on gathering information.

Your first visit will consist of an in-depth discussion concerning your current and past health problems. Certain laboratory tests may also assist in the assessment and diagnostic process.

90 minutes. Fee: $200

The treatment plan is presented during the second appointment.

After careful review of all of your information, a personalized treatment plan is developed which is discussed during the second appointment, usually one week following the first visit. Treatment plans often focus on nutritional recommendations with the additional use of herbal medicine, acupuncture, or lifestyle counselling.

60 minutes. Fee: $150

Your progress is then carefully monitored.

Follow-up visits allow for monitoring your progress towards your health goals. The first follow-up visit is often four weeks after the second appointment, but the timing or number of visits will depend on your individual needs.

45 minutes. Fee: $100

Presently, naturopathic medicine is not covered by OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan). However, if you have a health insurance plan, your naturopathic treatment may be partially or fully covered. You will need to check your specific plan to determine your coverage. Appointment fees qualify as a medical expense for income tax purposes.

Are there any other costs?

If remedies are recommended, the patient will need to purchase these. While there is an online dispensary for professional products, patients may choose to purchase remedies from other retailers.

Sometimes laboratory testing may help with determining the underlying cause of your health concerns. While naturopathic doctors have access to Ontario medical laboratories, the patient needs to cover these expenses. Other private labs in North America offer high-level testing that can be invaluable in specific situations. Check diagnostic tests to see a list of tests that can help to reveal the underlying cause of your health concerns.

Please call 705-328-0333 if you would like to book an appointment or get more information.